Membership Application

Membership Application  





DATE OF BIRTH______________________eMail___________________________________

I work the following events:

___Bareback   ___Saddle Bronc  ___Bull Riding  ____Ranch Bronc ___Team Roping    ___Calf Roping___ Steer Wrestling   ___Barrel Racing  ____Over 40 Calf Roping    ___Breakaway Roping___Announcer   ___Stock Contractor  ___Judge    ___Pickup Man   ___ Secretary___ Clown    ___Other__________________          ____Timer   ____ Bull Fighter

Jacket Size_______ If competing in calf roping & over 40, or breakaway & calf roping indicate which counts for all around ________________

Points will count if the card is purchased prior to competing at a URA rodeo.

Signed ____________________________________________________________________

APPLICANTS UNDER 18 - - - The following MUST be completed, notarized and returned to the URA office:Parent/Guardian Consent:

I certify that the age and date of birth of the below named child is correct, and I hereby consent to the participation of our child in the United Rodeo Association.  I agree that in no event will I hold the URA, it's agents or employees liable for injury or property damage while participation at a rodeo or while enroute to or from a URA sanctioned rodeo.





Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________(Must be notarized)

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________day of ______ by__________________parent or guardian of the above URA contestant, and I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.

Notary Public_______________________Date________My commission expires_______

Contestant dues are $125. Non-contestant dues are $75. Dues for those who only time are $40.

1. The U.R.A., its sponsors, rodeo committees, rodeo production entities, Officers and Directors, employees, and agents of such entities, assume no responsibility or liability for injury or damage to the person, property, or stock of any owner, contestant, or assistant, or other claims arising from participation in U.R.A. sanctioned rodeos, including claims that are known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen, future and contingent.

Please print off membership application and mail to:

Muff McGee, URA Secretary

1629 140th Road, Yates Center, KS  66783

Signed: _________________________________________________________