Check out the schedule, it is being updated as more rodeos come into the office.
The United Rodeo Assocation is a non-profit organization established in 1962 that sanctions rodeos primarily in the nine state area of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The URA season goes year round, beginning in September or October after the point cut-off for our Finals Rodeo. Our Championship Finals Rodeo is held each fall and features the top 15 contestants in each of nine events. (Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Women's Barrel Racing, Calf Roping, Forty and Over Calf Roping, Breakaway Roping, Steer Wrestling and Team Roping)
The URA has averaged 800 members each of the past few years and annually approves or co-approves an average of more than 100 rodeos. Our strength is in giving solid support to regional rodeo within our established territory. We continue to grow on that basis. Our primary goal is to work cooperatively with committees, stock contractors, members and contestants for our mutual success!
For more information contact Secretary Muff McGee at or 620-625-2566.